Sunday, May 23, 2010

Character Development Questions

1. Where does your character live?

Average home in Vancouver British Columbia. She lives with her husband – no real marital issues – and a black lab. The house has white siding, two floors, and located in a well-kept neighbourhood. The neighbourhood is frequently crowded with children playing road hockey and soccer. Early in the morning plenty of children can be seen waiting for busses, at a visible spot from the front porch of the characters house. She [the character] finds comfort in being surrounded by happy people and wishes a family of her own (husband also wants children).
In front of the house there is a simple garden following the border of the house. there is a nice wooden, fully complete, roofed, and open porch. The garden runs along the porch, the character sets aside a portion of everyday to water and take care of it. She feels a sense of pride about it. The garden is primarily tulips, although there is evenly spaced white lilacs (simple and easy to take care of flowers).

2. Where is your character from, and what kind of life did they have as a child?

The character was born and raised in Vancouver. Both of her parents were also from Vancouver. There is a strong sense of belonging to the town and her family is well-known in the community for their long heritage. Her Parents were happily married and she is an only child. Her mother had a miscarriage for a baby boy two years after the main character was born.
As a child her favourite stuffed toy was a beige coloured dog with a green ribbon tied around it’s next. The stuffed animal strongly resembled the retriever she had since a child. The death of the golden retriever when the character is 12 years old will be the first tragedy in her life (consequently her worst childhood memory as well). Her best friend was a girl named Hannah, who shared the same interests. She was always active, played piano (started when she was 4-parents forced her into it but she grew on it), favourite sport was soccer and will be soccer as an adult. Other than her father and mother, the family was very close to an uncle Max (also made the godfather) who frequently would visit. He gave her small trinkets from his travels around the world and always came with a new card/magic trick
As an Adult, her fondest memory of her childhood is a massive oak tree in the front yard that the whole neighbourhood of children would be seen climbing. Even in days when her family was away her parents gave the OK for children to climb it. She remembers it having perfect linear, thick, branches parallel to the ground (10 ft or so above) that would allow for 5 or so kids to sit on. The boys would frequently have challenges to see who could climb to the top in the quickest time.

3. What was their adolescent years like?
The second tragedy in her life is the death of her uncle Max when she was 15. He had a severe heart attack while on trip to Italy.
Her father was very close to his brother, she was more effected by her father’s reaction then the death of her uncle. Her father went into a severe depression for a few weeks and showed little compassion towards her and frequently argued with his wife, although she does not remember what they argued about.
she was an 82 average in highschool, which got her into the University of British Columbia for Nursing (current occupation).

4. What is her name?

Chloe-Anne Banks. She has a fairly common name, as does her husband, John Grayson Banks. Her husband and close friends, as well has her mother and father, call her Cloe.

5. What does your character look like?

I imagine Chloe around 5’8-9’’. She always holds her shoulders high and appears confident at all times, even when alone. She has brown light-brown hair which she wears just below her shoulders or tied up. She has a few freckles around her nose, which she is extremely self conscious about. She wears nice ‘dressy’ sort of clothes every day, to dress up for an occasion- that’s not extremely formal – she would not really wear anything different then everyday clothing. Unless it is an occasion, she does not where much jewellery besides her wedding ring. She feels that most jewellery is annoying to wear. No matter what the occasion, she does not wear high heels or skirts, simply because she feels they are uncomfortable and won’t put herself through the uncomfort to look dapper. Every morning she puts on a little bit of makeup and also does not change that for special occasions. At such occasions a stranger could not tell that she is dressed regular, she would appear to fit in. She has hazel-green eyes.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Paranormal Video

Gina, Adam, Lex, Gary and I's paranormal video.

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