Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Introduction to Chapin Waite

Welcome to my first blog! My full name is Chapin Korosec Waite. The first two names are a result of my Slovanien backround. I enjoy listening to almost all types of music (exception to gangster rap and country). I would have to say that my favourite bands at the moment are Led Zeppelin, Temple of the Dog, Beck (Happen to really enjoy both Beck Hansen and Jeff Beck), and Audioslave (pretty much most of Chris Cornelle's stuff, except for his new album entitled 'Scream'). In my past time I play the guitar (no, not to impress the woman), I play a little videogames, I read, and I eat - when not out with friends.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Boston - More Than a Feeling


Intro: guitar - playing repetative rift
possible 2nd guitar - the first note of the rift is either alowed to resonate longer or a deeper guitar holds the note.
Base - comes in at 8 seconds, follows the lick
Piano - indroduced with base, also follows the guitar rhythm
guitar 3 - at 13 seconds, the first note of the final repeated lick before the first verse is also played by a guitar that holds the vibrato until the singing begins

Verse one: Singing
Drums - play a continuous simple rift throughout song. Must be a large set because there is a lot of different pitches.
Guitar one - playing lick
Guitar two - same as in intro (plays first note of lick)

Pre Chorus: guitar one - solos
guitar two - slides down the neck which marks the beginning of the chorus - more gain on this one.
base - plays to guitar two melody

Chorus: guitar one - the solo's final note from pre-chorus is held
Rythmic clapping

Solo: Guitar one - has more distortion, solos
Guitar 2 - plays intro rift over solo
Piano - plays to the melody of rhythm guitar


The song is primarily based around the first guitar lick in the intro, it carries throughout the piece. Very catchy but simple lick, plays descending notes and repeats. The Piano, base and a guitar (with more gain) follow the rythm of the lead guitar which makes the lick more powerful and catchy. The singing begins very melow, and also increases as the guitar lick increases. It sort of sucks you in to listen closer. As the pre chorus approaches the singing increases and there is a good use of the crash that ends the first verse beat. The drums continue with a short little first to start off the pre-chorus. The singing escalates and ends on a high note before the pre-chorus, during the solo in the pre-chorus the guitar begins on a high note and climbs down, creating good symmetry in the music. The clapping during the chorus works well to hook the listener. The guitar, base, piano, and drums are all simple but work together very well to create a catchy rhythm throughout the song. The rhythm feels happy and light. The lyrics match the rhythm. The song may be about using music as an escape, or viewing it as something that can be simply enjoyed at anytime. The lyrical meaning of the song is happy and positive, much like the rhythm.

I think this is a great song that completely satisfies from beginning to end. There is a great use of symmetry throughout that adds to its catch. It begins with a simple guitar that is slowly brought up to volume and ends with a more distorted guitar that is brought down in volume. The singing flows well with the lead guitar, as the singer increases in pitch, the guitar solo begins on a high note and descends. The lead guitar carries the song with a catchy rhythm as well. Taking into account the lyrics and the overall rythm the song left me feeling positive and satisfied.

Two songs that I would like to put in are:
Led Zeppelin - The Lemon song
Temple of the Dog - Times of Trouble

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